Radical Mindful Leaders Programme

Increase your awareness of who you are as a leader and who you want to become - how you think, act, communicate

How this programme came about - our story

Andrew and Karen met at the end of 2019 when we were invited by our mindfulness training body to lead a panel discussion at the Meditation Conference at the University of Coventry in June 2020.

As we were exploring and discussing the conference session, we discovered our shared interest in offering mindfulness programmes to people in leadership roles who have an established mindfulness practice.

From experience we knew that there were hardly any mindfulness programmes available to leaders who have completed an initial 6 to 8-week standard mindfulness course and who wanted to take their practice to the next level.

And so began a fruitful collaboration which ran all the way through the first lockdown – leading to our innovative 6-Week Radical Mindful Leaders Programme.

A pilot programme ran in July and August 2020 which the number of participants limited to 10 in order to create a safe and intimate space for leaders to build community, to share and listen, to practice together. That’s what we did in July and August 2020. 

An incredible journey that gently guides and creates experiences to develop deep learning and changes in attitude. A simple yet intangible learning experience that I will be reaping the benefits from for years to come.
Liz Ajao, head L&D, Collinson (participant of August 2020 pilot programme)

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What makes our programme radical?

It differs to what one might call a traditional leadership programme in that it doesn’t teach leaders tools to better themselves. It invites leaders to bring all of themselves to the table, to explore their story as a leader - the path on which they started to where they are today and who they want to become. The programme looks honestly at their habits and tendencies that get in the way of being a more human, uninhibited and compassionate leader.

It’s radical because what it asks of leaders is to allow others to see their vulnerabilities and strengths.

It’s radical because what it asks of leaders is to practice patience, non-striving, non-judgement and to listen deeply, carefully and compassionately to others and their story.

It’s radical because what it asks of leaders is their commitment to change, to map out the next concrete steps on their leadership journey, witnessed by others.

What do leaders say about the programme?

The feedback from leaders who attended our programme last summer was overwhelmingly positive.

Recurring themes in the participant’s feedback were: Depth of connection, sense of community, honesty, trust, joy, compassion, feeling safe to be vulnerable, appreciation for others, depth of practice and learning…

Due to the success of our pilot programme in the summer of 2020, we attracted funding for three further programmes to be held in 2021: in February, May and October. We’ve just completed the February programme which was fully booked (see testimonials below). This funding also allows us to offer bursary places to individuals and organisations who may not have the budget.

One of my key takeaway of your thoughtfully crafted and carefully conducted programme is how naturally and easily I was able to connect deeply with the people in the group despite our very different backgrounds and upbringings.
- Andreas Pfingston, SAP, Germany

A leadership mindfulness-based approach that is characterful, offers insights, congruence yet challenges preconceptions about leadership. It’s so disarming… subtle yet powerfully engaging. You don’t get a manual! A refreshing learning opportunity, a gift for all. - CB, London

The world needs human, mindful compassionate leadership

Leadership is difficult. With the challenges we face across so many different areas from Covid-19 to social injustice, climate change to inequality… What we need now more urgently that ever, are human, uninhibited, compassionate leaders.

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Who can attend?

We welcome professional leaders from across all sectors and industries, e.g. CEOs, directors, heads and managers of Human Resources, Learning & Development and Organisational Development as well as professionals who have formal and informal leadership roles.

We believe that bringing together a diverse mix of experienced leaders (junior and senior) - from national and international settings, walks of life, genders, faiths and ethnicities - enriches the learning experience of all.

The only requirement for this programme is an established mindfulness practice.

Our programme is not a beginners’ mindfulness programme. It is not designed to teach mindfulness skills and practices.

The Programme will include the following:

· 6x weekly 2.5 hour sessions

· 3x fortnightly 1.5 hour small Insight Practice Groups to take the meditation practice deeper

· Membership of an ongoing online Community of Practice hub to offer support, share practice, experience and knowledge amongst like-minded leader practitioners

· Bespoke 1:1 support

Why not join our next Radical Mindful Leaders Programme?

Our next 6-Week Programme starts on 12 May – 16 June 2021. We have 10 places available. As mentioned above, we are able to offer some funded and partly funded places to individuals and organisations.

For more information and to apply email us at: info@radicalmindfulleaderscommuity.com 

Visit our website.

About Andrew and Karen

Karen Liebenguth and Andrew McNeill have both been practicing mindfulness and meditation for many years and are BAMBA – British Association for Mindfulness-based Approaches Registered Mindfulness Trainers.

Karen Liebenguth

Karen is a highly sought-after Executive Coach setting up Green Space Coaching in 2008, she is a member of the Association for Coaching and trained in mindfulness for the workplace at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.

Andrew McNeill

Andrew is also a leadership and programme management consultant. He established Lines of Sight Consultancy Ltd in 2018 and is the author of the book ‘Organisational Mindfulness – a How to Guide’ (2019).

Rachel Fuller