The big question – what’s my purpose in life?

At the beginning of lockdown, people needed help with processing feeling out of control, existential angst, loss, despair, not knowing what to do, overwhelm.

Now, the focus has moved towards some big life questions: What are my priorities? What have I been doing with my life? What’s really important? What's my purpose? Where do I go from here?

What’s my purpose is an incredibly tough but fundamentally important question for each of us to reflect on. But it’s not so easy, why? 

I believe there are two reasons: 

  1. It’s difficult. It’s difficult because it’s not something we are used to focusing on regularly. 

  2. It’s scary. Fear of what we might discover when we pause and reflect on the choices we have made in our life: our education, career, relationships, investments in time and money, living situation…

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The purpose of my life is....

When we have a sense of purpose, we feel aligned with our core values - what matters most to us. When we know what most matters to us, we feel energised because all of our energy flows in the same direction, that is, towards our purpose. 

When clients say that they are feeling lost, unhappy, dissatisfied with their life, I often ask them to write this statement on a piece of paper for them to carry in their wallet, so that they can pause and reflect on it regularly, to read it out loud, to let it drop into the unconscious like a pebble in a pond:

The purpose of my life is…..

The answer cannot be figured out with our conscious, analytical mind. This deep, inner work is not for the faint-hearted as it involves an honest and courageous heart that dares to look at ourselves, to admit our mistakes, failures, regrets and decisions that did not work out…But the payoff is huge. It can give back your life, help you get back on track, grow, learn, develop and live this one and precious life fully. 

When I did my coaching training (2003-2007) I was given this same statement to reflect on. I remember how it stirred me. Intuitively I knew what I had to. I still have the piece of paper with my purpose written on it: The purpose of my life is to make a difference to people and the environment. This still holds true and has led me to do what I love doing most.

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Knowing our purpose helps us to make informed choices about how we spend our time and energy and who with. 

As humans we are naturally curious and full of questions about the world, and uncertain times like now challenge our status quo. They are opportunities to ask ourselves some important questions: 

What is my purpose? How do I want to be in my life? What do I most care about?

Your body will tell you things your mind will talk you out of. Your body is telling you what direction life is in. Try trusting it. Turn away from what feels cold. Go toward what feels warm. Glennon Doyle, Untamed

Need a little help to find out what your purpose is? Get in touch. Email me or call 07815 591279 to book your free initial coaching conversation while walking in Victoria Park, East London or via phone or video call.

Rachel Fuller